Saturday, September 27, 2008

a new woman

Got my hair cut and highlighted today. I feel like a new woman. I was horrible about just putting it up in a pony tail. It's still long, she only cut about 2 inches. I may get it cut shorter...haven't decided yet.

Class is going exceptionally well. A really good group. They get along famously and really enjoy the competition between teams. Last day will be Friday and I start a new class in a different cue (I'm currently teaching technical online support and my next one will be manual account activation- both are Capital One) it will be a night class. I'll have to get acclimated to being up late as class will not end until 11PM and then I'll have paperwork and the drive home, winding down time and so forth usually translates to a bedtime of around 1-1:30 AM. I'll do that for 2 weeks and then be back on days getting up at 4:30 AM. YeeHaw!!

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